Monday, October 3, 2011

A Revelation

For those that know me, I am honestly TIRED of fighting.... tired of dealing with my health, tired of dealing with everything life has given us lately. The past 2 weeks I have felt like given up. I have barely been outside of the house and I haven't wanted to even venture out. I didn't want to get out of bed and I didn't want to talk to anyone or even be bothered. I was just worn down. I stopped doing my Breaking Free study. I stopped praying. I stopped believing that God even cared about me at all!!! Then.... little by little.... over the past 2 days... the truth began to come through. The dimness began to get just a tiny bit lighter. Today, I prayed again and not only SHARED my load with God, but I finally let him take it off of me.

I realized today finally that I just cannot give up. No matter what happens, I have to keep fighting. My children are counting on me. It is my job as a parent to raise them in a godly home with love and raise them to have a personal relationship with God. It is not the Sunday School teacher's job. It is not my parents' job or responsibiity. While I didn't do what I was accused of, I haven't been doing what I should have either. I haven't been making sure that my kids know that above all, GOD is the priority. I haven't been making sure that my kids realize the importance of a PERSONAL relationship with God.... not just knowing ABOUT God but a PERSONAL relationship with God. I should make sure that our family takes EVERY opportunity to spend time together, to respect one another, because life is so short. We never know when we might not have those we love. I used to think my kids would be with us for SUCH a long time! Today, I thought in just 11 years my son will graduate from high school. He will go out into the world... by himself. 11 years isn't so long to prepare him for doing that... and honestly, it scares me. It was truly a sobering moment.

A lot of you know that my health hasn't been very good over the last year. On top of that, my memory has not been good either. Some of that is coming from my brain working overtime to be able to see due to my eye issues. Today, these verses popped in my head: the whole verse!

I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.  My thoughts: this verse says I can do ALL things.... not some things, not most things, not a few things but ALL! I may not like what happens. Life may throw curveballs and it just isn't easy. However, through Christ, I can make it through. He died on the cross.... to carry me... to take away my sins and carry the weight of the world. I can ONLY make it through him and I haven't been letting him strengthen me lately.

I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a future.  My Thoughts: I always associated this verse with graduation and going out into the world. I now realize that isn't the case. God knows the plans for our entire life. He never wants to harm us. The bad things that happen..... that is ALL Satan's doing. God isn't doing it to us. He wants us to proper with life and pass over into our eternal life with him. He plans to give each and every one of us hope and a future. The word that stands out to me there is HOPE! I have a glimmer now of hope.

I am certaintly not perfect. I haven't always done everything right. However, by God's grace, I can be forgiven and move on. I will definetly make mistakes and there are days I am sure I will feel like not going on. I hope those are the times that God gives me strength and lifts up and my friends hold me accountable.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Recent Updates

It has been over a year since I updated on here. I almost did not come back and write anything at all. The past year has been so hard on us all.... yet we have remained our good spirits with the kids and we have continued to find ways to have fun. Soooo..... I am going to work on going over the past year and updating on the fun things that we have done and the way the kids have learned and grown over the past year.

Recent updates..... AIDAN LOST HIS FIRST TOOTH!!!!! We kept waiting and waiting to see if he was even going to have loose teeth. When I was a child, I had NO loose teeth. I never was able to pull a tooth or have one to fall out. I really don't want my kids to have to go through having teeth pulled so I was hoping and praying! Aidan will be SEVEN in December so it is a bit late for his first tooth to fall out, but it DID!!! It is one of his 2 front teeth.

Aidan is in the 1st grade and he is in public school this year for hte first time ever. It was definetly a struggle in the beginning. However, he has mastered memorizing spelling words and has made over a 100 on 4 consecutive spelling tests. I am soooo proud of him!!! He got a prize for that in his class. He is getting extra help in Math, Reading and Writing. I am really pleased with his progress though. He is excited about his upcoming birthday and says that he wants to go bowling again and to eat at the Japanese restaurant Motos. Fine with me! Another fun day planned!!!!

Lillian, while still short, has began to thin out like a "big kid" now. I look her and I think she is so beautiful! She has really gotten a personality that reallyyyy resembles my personality as a pre-teen and teenager and even for a while after I was married. Lillian now talks ALL of the time!!! She is a lot of fun to talk to! She has now turned 5 since I last wrote on here. I will write more on that later!

JohnAlex is about to turn FOUR YEARS OLD!!!! He is having trouble deciding what he wants to do for his birthday! He has said the zoo. Then he said he wanted to go to bowling. Now he says he wants to go to the zoo and then bowling. lol Nice try JohnAlex! We are still deciding on that! It amazes me how much he looks like Lillian although his build is different. He is broader in the shoulders.

It amazes me everyday that they came from Trey and I and I try never to forget that God created them. Their determination and their ability to survive despite difficult circumstances just amazes me! People talk about how you can really tell they are siblings.... yet we got a good variation in personalities. Lillian loves to talk, but can be shy and doesn't like to try new things. She doesn't really like rides at amusement parks or sports. She does love to ride her bike and to do crafts and draw. JohnAlex LOVES all sports and he is really good at anything he tries sports wise! He is very athletic and has that type of build. He also is stubborn and determined. He also loves to talk and to sing. He and Lillian both love church and their Sunday School class. Aidan is my artistic child. He has always loved to draw and "do" things. He loves to fiddle and to take things apart. His favorite subject is Math and now Spelling. He isn't crazy about Reading. He also LOVES Science.

Now that is a long enough post for now.. over the next few days I will work on getting updates and pictures up!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Driving Around and CHOCOLATE

After we went to Dry Falls, we drove on to Highlands. We did not stop anywhere in Highlands except for a gas station to get a drink, but then drove back to Franklin to go to the chocolate shop. The kids were absolutely exhausted on the way back.Aidan fell asleep and has not taken a nap..,.. well... in a few YEARS without his medication! I kept checking on him to make sure that he was okay. Here are a few pictures that I wanted to share!

JohnAlex was SO tired!!!

I think she thought she was being sneaky!

Lillian looking out the window. I think this picture is really cute!
This is the CHOCOLATE SHOP!!!!!! I cannot come to Franklin without going to this place. Highly recommend it! ALL homemade!!!

And now on to the next post! These are taking longer than I thought they would

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dry Falls

By the time we got to Dry Falls, Lillian was determined she was NOT going to see a waterfall. The Cullasaja Falls with the noise really scared her. It took a phone call from my mom talking her into it to convince her to get out of the car. My mom told her she wanted a picture and she had to walk down to take it.

By the time we got to Dry Falls, Lillian's fatigue and arthritis had set in. I carried her all of the way down and all of the way back up at Dry Falls. Down, she was super nervous and did not get down the entire time! On the way back up, she tried to walk for a bit but it only lasted around 5 minutes before she began limping. I didn't mind carrying her though so she could see the falls! We got TONS of great pictures there!!!

This is the view from the top. This is the distance that we walked down to the falls

Lillian with her Daddy

She NEVER makes silly faces like this!!! I have no idea what she was doing. lol I love this picture just because she IS doing it and acting silly! We need more silly days like this!

This is behind Dry Falls. It gets its' name from the fact that you remain DRY while behind it! Lillian was less than thrilled behind the falls, but the boys just loved it!

On the walk down

On the walk down to the Falls ... no one would look at the camera!

I just love this picture of Lillian!!! I may share in the upcoming days variations of it and edited versions of it and another one that I really like of her from this trip!

We highly recommend seeing Dry Falls and the walk down (which is NOT a hard walk at all) if you are in the area of Franklin or Highlands, NC. We had a wonderful time with lots of great pics!

Katie's Falls and Cullasaja Falls

After the reunion, we went on the road to visit some waterfalls! The first one was Katie's Falls. This waterfall was named after Trey's great aunt Kate by her father. Only Trey got out at this one but we could see it from the car easily. There is nowhere to really pull off of the road here and get out. It is one of the smaller falls that we saw.

Katie's Falls. It is not as easily seen right now because of trees in the way.

Trey had the BRIGHT IDEA to walk down to this waterfall. I got out and looked to see how to get down and decided there was NO WAY I was walking to this one with 3 kids. To get to it, you have to go over the guardrails on the side of the road, then down a steep hill with NO path to direct which way to go. So we did NOT go down to this waterfall, but this was the view from the road!

Be prepared: the next fall we visited, Dry Falls... well we took LOTS of pictures!!!!!

Playing in the Cemetary and Moore Reunion

We traveled to Franklin, NC on July 15th for the Moore Reunion which was held on July the 17th. We were not at the Moore Reunion long as everyone in our family was excited to just eat and go to look at the waterfalls. I don't think ANY of our kids realized you usually have to WALK to the waterfalls, but more on that later!
The Moore Reunion.... the kids' favorite thing to do??? Playing in the CEMETARY!!! hahaha Of all things to do, they enjoyed that the most.
Here are some pictures from the reunion:
He was taking a rest on a nearby tombstone at Elijay Baptist Church

They played a beanbag game right next to the cemetary. This is Lillian after trying to play the game.

There were two boys there close to Aidan's age... the other 3 are mine!

Trey thought they were nuts! Beside of him is his mom Phoebe

Beautiful stained glass window at Elijay Baptist Church: Franklin,NC

I will be posting a different post for each thing that we did. It is less confusing that way. Lillian and the boys did fairly well at the reunion. No one really ate that much, but they did eat something! Lots of stimulation for them that they were not used to!
Now on to the next leg of our trip!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Classical Education, Mae Brooks and My experiences

I just had to share some of my personal thoughts on something that was on my heart and mind today. First I want to share a quote with everyone:

"For we let our young men and women go out unarmed in a day when armor was never so necessary. By teaching them to read, we have left them at the mercy of the printed word. By the invention of the film and the radio, we have made certain that no aversin to reading shall secure them from the incessant battery of words, words, words. They do not know what the words mean;they do not know how to ward them off or blunt thei eduge or fling them back; they are a prey to words in their emotions instead of being the masters of them in their intellects...We have lost the tools of learning, and in their absence can only make a botched and piecemeal job of it." Dorothy L. Sayers "The Last Tools of Learning"

Okay what brought all of this up besides I have thought this for a while? I am reading the book "The Well Trained Mind" A guide to Classical Education at Home by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer. If you have not read this book, I HIGHLY recommend it!!! It just made me start thinking about how the public school system failed me especially in my high school years. Thankfully, reading was in my blood and I loved it and no one could ever possibly take that away from me. While others in middle school were looking for the easiest books for AR just to reach their minimum, I was reading classics that those other kids missed out on like Little Women, Charles Dickens, Gone with the Wind. I tend to lean towards the classics although now I do read some other things too. Reading is one of the most important things to me, but learning to READ using phonics is not what I am referring to when I make that statement. Oh reading is SO much more than that!!! Reading is your outlet from the horrible things happening in our world today. Reading allows you to live in a different time, live in someone else's problems for a change and have the opportunity to question, debate and dream! That is one of the things this book is talking about. The LOVE of Reading has been lost. However, not only has the LOVE of reading been lost, but the ability to analyze, comprehend and truly understand what is being read. Reading helps to  learn to see through and reason which are traits that are essential in being successful in life now.

With all of that said, I was educated in the public school system. This is by no means a bashing of the public school system at all. However, I do want to share my experiences. There were a few teachers along my journey that facilitated learning in a way that it SHOULD be and encouraged individual thoughts, questioning etc. It seems so many teachers do not like questions, do not like to be questioned at all. They expect their students to sit quietly in a desk and listen to what they have to say and then take a test on it which DOES NOT CAUSE COMPREHENSION, UNDERSTANDING OR A LEARNING OF IT!!!!!!!!!!! Okay and with that rant:

There were those that were essential to my education. One of the 1st that I truly remember being like that was Ginger Gillenwater whose last name is now Burton. She cared about her kids in her class and had this passion for teaching and learning about her students. I loved her so much that I even attended her wedding with a good friend of mine! The next one that I truly remember is Martha Stooksbury who taught Math. She loved Math and not only taught the facts and memorization by why you arrived at that answer. Math, as many know, is NOT my favorite subject but she was a wonderful teacher!!! The next one that I remember is Mollie Bolton. I remember being in her class debating some of the books that we read (I was in the advanced class) and having discussions that later when I reread those books as assignments again and had to write papers in high school, those discussions that we had in 8th grade Reading class were invaluable to look back on and remember the points that were brought up! Not only did Mollie Bolton LEAD those discussions, but she ENCOURAGED them which is something many teachers just do not do. Again, a lot just want to give out assignments, have the students be quiet and have students who pass these tests and do well on standardized tests to make them look good. When I had Mrs Bolton, never once did I hear about the standardized test given or that we had to be at a certain point by a certain time of year or anything of that nature. She seemed to enjoy the discussion and class as much as we did.

Many that live around wher we do will remember the next one that I remember as she has touched so many lives.... Mrs Dorcas Fairchild. She is a teacher and woman who taught me grammar and taught it WELL! Not only did she teach me grammar, but she that was the beginning of my OCD thing with always writing with correct grammar and being very picky with it. She also encouraged independent thinking as we studied the classics, poems and plays. I will never ever forget Dorcas Fairchild! She is an unusual woman, but no one that had her ever forgot her.

The next teacher I had that was amazing was Mrs Jackson who taught junior English. I felt so bad for her at times as we did not really have a sophomore English teacher so she had her work cut out for her that year. She had to not only teach the material she had planned for the year, but review grammar, the way you write papers, etc. I remember many wonderful discussions about the Crucible, The Scarlet Letter, etc. She is/was an amazing teacher!!!

And now for the person that was my best friend and the most memorable in teaching me to love writing, love reading but to question, debate and discuss everything I read::: Mae Brooks. I miss her like crazy! I spent many hours with Mae going over papers, correcting papers, discussing the books that I had read, but not just being corrected but having discussions on WHY I thought certain things were wrong and how I would fix it before she would lead me in the right direction. Up to the point that I had started seeing Mae for help with writing, I had never been taught in school how to properly write a paper, edit a paper and come up with a finished product. Mae taught me that invalueable skill that has carried over into my adult life and as I have been told, writing remains one of my strongest areas. Not only is it my strongest area , but I LOVE to write! I write for fun which I know many do not say this. As a matter of fact, I even edit papers and such for something fun to do. (yes I am a bit nuts!) I feel like I am giving back a part of Mae Brooks. More than a wonderful teacher, she was a kind woman who had amazing incite into absolutely every part of life! She gave me guidance with college, with writing, with life in general, support when I needed her and spiritual things and things of the heart. In turn, I loved Mae very much and considered her my very best friend. I spent lots of time talking to her about church, school, the kids who she adored, her life and the stress she often had, but Mae always looked ahead into the positive. Oh yes there were times I found Mae down as we all get down. I am thankful I had a part in picking her back up some of those times and was able to give back a bit of the help she gave me. I am just so amazed that right now she is HEALED for forever! No not on this earth like I would have liked, but right now she is with God in his loving arms walking those streets of gold with never a worry again. How amazing! Sometimes it is hard to fathom. Oh yes at times I miss her so much that tears come into my eyes, but I would not wish her back here not even for a second because she is so happy in heaven! 

The other night I had this dream that I have yet to share with anyone as of yet. I dreamed that I was at the hospital again to see Mae and Claude was there. I walked in to see her and I talked to her and she said to me "I will be fine because I know where I am going." In my dream, I cried an I said "I don't want you to leave." Then in my dream it is almost like I looked away and then when I looked at her again there was a gold light behind her and then she disappeared and I woke up. I woke up in tears because the dream was not only beautiful, but it made me miss her that much more. However, it was like God was saying to me, she is fine because she is in my hands. That is what I needed since I have missed her like crazy here lately. When I go to church now, her absence has been felt so strongly lately! 

I just wanted to share all of that from my heart and I hope I did not ramble too much. If anyone is reading this who does not homeschool and thinks well I would LIKE to do that but I can't, please email me or contact me or SOMETHING! If I can do it, anyone can! The reasons most give me are more excuses such as I don't have the money to homeschool, I don't have patience, I am not an organized person. For those that know me well, you know I am NOT a patient person at all and I am NOT organized. However, when you are giving your children the LOVE of learning, you would be surprised at how patient you can be and how you can learn to organize. 

Have a Great Day!